Rachel Marsden is the President and CEO of Rachel Marsden Associates: an international political communications, business and political risk intelligence and analysis consultancy. Formerly the co-host of a national daily Fox News TV talk show, she is now one of the world’s most widespread analysts. For more than 4 years, she has written a weekly internationally syndicated column for the (Chicago) Tribune Media Syndicate, published by 100 newspapers worldwide (including the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Detroit Free Press, Hartford Courant, Dallas Morning News, Orlando Sun-Sentinel, Korea Herald, Pakistan Observer, and Dubai's Daily Al Bayan), and translated into languages from Korean and Spanish to Russian and Arabic. Her formal education includes certificate programs in cybersecurity, forensic accounting and fraud examination, and economics of emerging and transition markets, as well as degree programs in science, law and journalism.
Key Takeaways:
[2:40] Foreign investors impact on USA real estate markets
[6:30] Signs that a real estate bubble is about to burst
[11:00] The premise of sustainable investing
[14:00] What's going on in Vegas and Houston real estate market
[18:30] Investing in commodities through buying real estate
[23:30] Looking at The Big Short to teach us about real estate bubbles
[26:40] Whether the US government even cares if foreign investors are using real estate investing as a form of money laundering